30 Nov Tea & Talk 2014
Cari amici,
Il Centro Servizi Culturali vi propone il “Tea & Talk”: degli appuntamenti mensili e gratuiti per cimentarsi nella conversazione in lingua inglese con un’insegnante madrelingua (Priscilla Farron).
Ogni incontro durerà 60 minuti e si chiacchiererà davanti ad una calda tazza di tè e qualche dolcetto. Per partecipare è necessario essere iscritti al Centro e prenotarsi mediante mail all’indirizzo mediateca@centroserviziculturali.it.
Saranno ammessi un massimo di 15 partecipanti (scelti in base all’ordine cronologico di iscrizione) che dovranno essere muniti di tazza in ceramica per il tè e avere un livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese B1*
Il primo appuntamento è fissato per il 12 novembre alle 17,00.
Vi aspettiamo!!!
Per info: tel. 0783211656
*Il livello B1 è il terzo di sei livelli individuati e descritti nel documento Quadro di Riferimento Comune Europeo.
( http :// www. cambridgeenglish. org / it / images /126130- cefr – diagram.pdf)
Dear Friends,
Our Cultural Centre, Via Carpaccio 9 in Oristano, near the public park, would like to propose something new for those of you that like to practise their English, so we have come up with TEA & TALK, that is a meeting with a native English speaker here at the Centre once a month. A sort of English Corner and it is completely free.
The meeting will last about one hour (flexible). The chatting, because that’s what it is, will include a nice cup of hot tea with a few biscuits or a piece of cake. The topics will be decided at the end of each session. Let’s say that the first session will be dedicated to talking about yourselves and getting to know each other, but there will be no strict rules. The important thing is
to talk, to use the English language freely.
The only requirement necessary to take part in these chats is that you must be enrolled at the Centre (very easy to do). You can reserve a place in the group via email: mediateca@centroserviziculturali.it
The first 15 who enroll will have a place as 15 is the maximum number of people possible, so that everybody gets a chance to talk. The applicants must have a certain level of knowledge of the English language, specially spoken English, that is: listening comprehension and speaking: B1*
Please bring a mug or a china tea-cup. No plastic, please.
The first meeting will be held in the Centro Culturale Mediateca on Wednesday, 12th November at 5 pm
We look forward to meeting you!
INFO: 0783211656
*The B1 level is the 3rd of 6 levels that have been set out and described in the document: The Common European Reference
Base: (http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/it/images/126130-cefr-diagram.pfd